AIM IM with james*********** 12/22/08 1:36 PM
me: tell me
james: what would you like me to tell you?
me: the elevator story
james: haha ok
so 13 of us met up at palazzo and started pre-drinkin for tao
and everyone was trashed
we killed bottle of goose, skyy and ketal
so we all get into an elevator and one of us thinks it'd be funny to jump
so he counts down, and probably 7-8 of th epeople jump together
me: oh god
james: and we end up breaking the elevator
james: 13 of one cramp ass elevator for 2 hours
total lord of the flies
peoples true colors started to show
me: wth 2 hours????
james: and it was fuckin HILARIOUS
yea 2 hours
they had to send in oxygen
3 people peed....
one girl...
me: goddamn
james: the last person there was no more room in the bottles so we just yanked the door open and he peed out the elevator
me: hahahahhaha
james: b**** is sitting indian style in the corner drunk as fuck
just sloppy, tellin people to shut the fuck up
me: where the fuck are the pictures??? HAHAHAHA
james: pictures will be up... i dunno if we have pictures from the elevator
but MAN it was SO ridiculous
everyone was so fucked up so people were iether super PISSED... or havin fun of the situation so the pissed people would just be mad at the people laughin makin jokes
me: i remember telling you that you had to beat my vegas story... but thats just ridiculous.
why are you always breaking/vandalizing shit?
Only in Vegas...
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